Fun With STEAM

Explore STEM With Fiction
Stink is back, with a new look. Candlewick Press is celebrating the 15th anniversary of the popular series by Sebastopol author Megan McDonald, which follows Judy Moody’s little brother – “a fact freak, math maniac, science star and encyclopedia enthusiast” – as he and his pals solve problems and discover the world through experimentation, research or fact-finding. The re-release of the series includes new covers, more facts and updated illustrations. The 11-book series will be available in March. $5.99 per title.
Make Science and Art
Combining chemistry, geometry and design, kids can grow their own crystals and build customized geometric terrariums with LED lights to display them. The crystal kit is just one of the STEAM-themed kits from GoldieBlox, which was founded in Oakland by a female engineer to get girls more interested in these topics. The company is now based in Los Angeles. $22.99.
AR at Home
Bring a tiger into your backyard, build a virtual bridge and see how many elephants it can hold or get a stunning view of the solar system with augmented reality apps from LightUp. Founded by a teacher and an engineer who met at Stanford six years ago, the Peninsula-based company strives to make learning engaging and accessible by combining cutting edge technology with educational best practices. Free with some in-app purchases available.
The Science of Sound
See what we normally can only hear in Sound, which uses bold illustrations and informative infographics to explore the science and nature of sound, from how we hear to how we create sound in instrumental and vocal music. The award-winning book by authors and artists Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv is published by San Francisco’s Chronicle Books. Recommended for ages 8-12. $19.99.


This Month’s Top Family Activities

Have fun with your family with these October events taking place around the Bay Area. For even more items, visit our online calendar. Oct. 1 Imaginarium THROUGH NOV....

October Fairs and Festivals

It's Halloween and Harvest fairs and festivals season in the Bay Area. Don't miss out! East Bay Unhaunted House & Carnival: Tiny-topia OCT. 18-19. Explore the land of...

Bay Area Pumpkin Patches

Welcome autumn 2024 with a family outing to one of the Bay Area’s pumpkin patches. There are so many choices — from nearby urban patches to farms where you can pick your own gourd, hop on a hay ride and meander through a corn maze. Wherever you go, you will be sure to find the perfect pumpkin

Best Date Night Locations

These date night spots are the winners of the 2024 Best of Bay Area Parent reader poll. Read a full list of winners here. East Bay  Gold:...

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